For inquiries or additional information about the products.
Contact Person:
Name: Jefferson or Richard
Mobile Number: 09999447963

Facebook Account:

To order, kindly send the following information through text:

Full Name:
Complete Delivery Address:
Contact Number:

Selected Mode of Payment:
-Smart Money

Shipping Delivery:
Manila Area 1-3 days  -  Php 90.00
Provincial Area 1-5 days  -  Php 150.00


For best result kindly follow the step by step procedure on how to use the product. If necessary test the product on small portion of your skin if irritation or negative effect occurred please refrain from using the product.

The seller of this product is not familiar with buyer's skin type, condition, skin history, or sensitivity and does not make personal recommendations of any kind to any buyer. Information being provided by the seller about and how to use the product are based on personal experience in using the product. Seller is not liable for negative or damaging results that may be obtained by proper or improper use of this product on any person. If problem occurs please stop using the product and contact your dermatologist.